When I say I have tried EVERYTHING for my KP, I mean I have tried everything! I thought I was going to have to walk around feeling self conscious about my "chicken skin" arms for the rest of my life, never feeling truly comfortable in sleeveless tops or dresses. Then this AMAZING product came out! MAN, between this & the Aging Repair Cream, Musely really has introduced some AMAZING new products in the last year or so since I visited the site. I honestly didn't expect such a quick result because I know that retinoid take time, but this is the MOTHER of retinoids & isn't playing! I was absolutely stunned at how quickly my stubborn bumpy skin began to smooth out. I'm pretty smooth now not even finishing the bottle & now I only have to use it occasionally as maintenance. Absolutely incredible product & I'm SO glad I didn't hesitate to try it. If you have stubborn KP & are tired of wasting $ on treatments that don't work- try the Body Cream! You'll be showing off your bare skin in no time!